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Executive Pay (SF Prop L) bundle

Report on and view your employee’s total compensation relative to the company’s median, and notify your HR team if the threshold under SF Prop L is exceeded

When this happens

Employee compensation exceeds SF Prop L threshold

Then do this

Send a notification to an employee, manager, admin, department, or team

How to calculate if employee comp exceeds SF Prop L threshold

With Rippling’s ‘Employee Compensation Report’, you can report on and view your employee’s total compensation relative to the company’s median, and notify your HR team if the threshold under SF Prop L is exceeded.

What do you need?

Rippling HRIS

Rippling App Management


Use Recipe Template

Bundle Overview

To combat the growing problem of wage inequality between executives and their workers, the city San Francisco recently passed an ‘Overpaid Executive Tax’ (also known as SF Prop L).

Under the new law, any business in San Francisco with a top executive earning over 100 times more than their typical local employee will be subject to a 0.1 percent surcharge on their annual business taxes—which means it’s important for companies to keep a close eye on employee compensation, to ensure that threshold isn’t breached.

With this Recipe bundle, you’ll have all the tools at your disposal to monitor and manage your San Francisco Prop L liability, including a:

Formula Field. Calculates the median compensation in your company (this value will dynamically update as your workforce changes)

Report. View each of your employee's total compensation relative to the company median

Workflow. Automatically notify your HR team if an executive’s pay is over the SF Prop L threshold

Want to extend your workflow to include a Task? As with all our Recipes, you can customize this bundle to your exact needs.

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