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Stale Zendesk tickets report template

Report on and identify Zendesk tickets that have been open for over a week.

How to track stale Zendesk support tickets

With Rippling’s ‘Stale Zendesk Ticket Report’, you can report on and identify Zendesk tickets that have been open for over a week.

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Rippling HRIS

Rippling App Management


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Recipe Overview

When customers reach out with questions, it’s important to provide them with quick, helpful support—otherwise you risk increasing their frustration and potentially losing the customer altogether.

So when an organization experiences a significant number of tickets that are open for an extended period of time, they need to act quickly to both close out these long outstanding tickets as soon as possible, as well as identify and eliminate the cause of the backlog itself.

With this Recipe, you’ll be able to pull data from Zendesk and view a list of all the tickets in the organization that’s been open for more than 7 days, and group them by assignee, manager, team, and more. That way, it’s easier to spot where the backlog is originating from, and devise the right plan of action to improve the situation.

Prefer a 3-day threshold instead of 7? As with all our report Recipes, you can customize this template with additional data, filters, grouping, and more to help you answer your specific questions.

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