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Device assigned more than four years ago

When a device was assigned to the current employee more than four years ago, assign a Task to the IT admins.

When this happens

Device assigned to an employee more than four years ago

Then do this

Assign a Task in Rippling to an employee, manager, admin, department or team

How to alert IT to replace old devices

With Rippling’s Workflow Automator, you can automatically assign a Task to your IT admin to replace any employee device that was assigned four years ago.

What do you need?

Rippling Device Management

Use Recipe Template

Recipe Overview

As any IT admin would tell you, one of the most frequent employee request is for a newer, faster device – even though the current device is still performing well.

That’s why it’s prudent, as well as a common practice, for IT teams to institute policies around when and why a device should be replaced – like after a certain number of years, or if the device is inoperative. This ensures that employees aren’t hindered by an under-performing device, while setting company-wide expectations of when a replacement device can be requested.

However, keeping track of all the devices across a large organisation with thousands of employees is a tall order, even for a highly motivated IT team.

With this Recipe, you’ll be able to stay on top of when an employee’s device is due for replacement. When an employee has had a device for four years, Rippling will automatically assign a Task to your IT admin to replace the device.

Want to be alerted at two years instead of four? As with all our workflow Recipes, you can customise this template to your exact needs, including when it should trigger, what the action should be, who it should go to, and more.

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