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Compensation snapshot report

View your employees’ annual compensation, including salaries, bonuses, and commissions.

How to view your employees' total compensation

With Rippling’s ‘Compensation Snapshot Report’, you can report on and view employees' total compensation—including salary, commission, and bonuses.

What do you need?

Rippling HRIS

Rippling Payroll

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Recipe Overview

When you hear “total compensation,” the first thing that probably comes to mind is annual salary or wages.

Yet, there can be much more that an employee receives in a year. For example, your company might pay annual bonuses, or certain employees might work for commissions.

Having a clear understanding of all compensation types is important for HR and accountant leaders. This information is critical for financial planning purposes, plus you’ll be able to answer any questions your employees might have about their compensation.

With this Recipe, you’ll be able to view your employees’ annual compensation, commission, and bonuses. That way you can plan for employee costs and answer any employee questions around their current compensation.

Want to view a sum of all compensation types? As with all our report Recipes, you can customize this template with additional data, filters, grouping, and more to help you answer your specific questions.

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