security and compliance
The state of the back office leader
Discover what’s on back office leaders’ minds, including:
Top priorities for 2024
Specific obstacles with technology
Plans to get ahead
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Our finger is on the pulse of HR, Finance, and IT leadership.
As the first quarter wraps up, the back office leaders are re-evaluating the priorities they’ve established for the year and sizing up the challenges they face.
We surveyed more than 1,200 managers and executives spanning HR, finance, and IT at US-based companies with between 200 to 1,000 full-time employees. We found that these functions and their leaders have more in common than they may think. Download the report to understand what your peers are working on and glean valuable insight from their mistakes, challenges, and wins.
The challenge with tech
of HR leaders note significant challenges with HR technology
of finance leaders note significant challenges with finance technology
of IT leaders note significant challenges with their identity and MDM providers