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Non-compliant break alert

When an employee's break is not compliant with legally-mandated regulations, send a notification to their manager and department lead.

How to stay compliant with employee break mandates

With Rippling’s Workflow Automator, you can automatically trigger an alert to an employee’s manager and to the department lead when that employee’s break is not compliant with legally-mandated regulations.

What do you need?

Rippling HRIS

Rippling Time & Attendance

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Recipe Overview

As an employer, you’re obligated to ensure that your employees take the legally-mandated breaks that they’re eligible for; otherwise, you may find yourself liable to expensive premium payments to your employees for the breaks that were missed or otherwise interrupted.

So when an employee fails to take their break in a manner compliant under the law, it’s important for their manager to be notified so they can take appropriate action to address the situation as soon as possible.

With this Recipe, you’ll be able to stay on top of break violations. When an employee fails to take their legally-mandated breaks in a compliant manner, Rippling will automatically send a notification to their manager and the department head, so they can take quick action to correct the breach where possible.

7 days not long enough? As with all our workflow Recipes, you can customise this template to your exact needs, including when it should trigger, what the actions should be, who it should go to, and more.

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