When comp increase is over threshold assign review Task
When an employee’s compensation increases over a specific threshold, assign a Task for a Director to review the change.
When this happens
Employee’s compensation increases over specific threshold

Then do this
Assign a Task in Rippling to an employee, manager, admin, department or team
How to assign a review task for compensation increases
With Rippling’s Workflow Automator, you can automatically assign a Task to a Director to review an employee’s compensation increase if it is over a specific threshold.
What do you need?
Rippling HRIS
Recipe Overview
When making decisions about an employee’s compensation, it’s important to put guardrails around who can approve those changes and when.
For example, while you may be fine with managers making reasonable adjustments to their team’s salary on their own, when it comes to more substantial increases—of more than 10% or over $5000 perhaps—it makes sense to require an additional or higher level of approval instead.
With this Recipe, you’ll be able to ensure your compensation changes go through the proper channels. When an employee’s compensation increase is above a certain, preset threshold, Rippling will automatically assign a Task to the department’s Director to review the request.
Want to increase the threshold from 10% to 15%? As with all our workflow Recipes, you can customize this template to your exact needs, including when it should trigger, what the actions should be, who it should go to and more.
This recipe helps with
Functions that use this recipe
Companies that use this recipe
How to assign a review task for compensation increases
With Rippling’s Workflow Automator, you can automatically assign a Task to a Director to review an employee’s compensation increase if it is over a specific threshold.
What do you need?
Rippling HRIS
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